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behind the blog

Oh hey, I’m Tina!

Food Photographer & Blogger

I’m a holistic nutritionist, recipe developer and food photographer based out of Ontario, Canada. I’d love to tell you a little bit about how I got here! My journey into holistic nutrition was definitely not a straight line. It had several twists and turns along the way. What would life be without that? I went to the University of Toronto to study criminology and sociology because I was determined to like those agents on the Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) shows. That dream began to crumble when I got suspended because I couldn’t keep my grades up (oops). Long story short, I went back after a year, finished my program and came out with an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology and Criminology and Socio-Legal Studies. But…there is always a “but”. I had a major “a ha” moment.